Day 4259 (Count your blessings)

It can seem like human nature sometimes when we find ourselves taking things and people for granted. When we lose someone or something that means a lot to us we have an initial reaction, but it often doesn’t carry over to the other important things and people in our lives and we fall back into taking them for granted. I remember being a kid, and thinking about my Grandparents, as well as my Mom and Dad and having that thought that they’d be around forever because nothing was going to get in their way. I first dealt with loss when I was 12 and my Grandpa passed away. After that over my life I saw my other Grandpa and both Grandma’s go to Heaven. After that it was my Step Mom, my Dad, my Uncle Mark and in 2020, my last Grandma who lived to be 95. I have spent time reflecting on all of those people and what they mean to me, and it’s something that I carry with daily because those experiences have taught me just how fragile life can be, and even losing a Grandma at 95, it still feels like it went by way too fast. It’s not just people, there are certain moments that may have only lasted for a brief amount of time, but finding a way to be thankful for the experience itself has allowed me to really live in the moment for the most part. I say the most part because there are always going to be struggles that come from being human.

I know and I am aware that I have a lot of blessings in my life and as I’ve said, the knowledge I’ve gathered along this journey has allowed me to truly appreciate them, carry them close and most importantly not take them for granted. There is an expression I heard yesterday and it’s “tell your people you love them” which is so important and it is something that I have adopted in my own life with those who mean the most to me. One example is my Mom, I call her every day after work, even if it’s just for a second, and I let her know I love her. It may seem like a bit much at times, but I’ll be so glad I did it at some point in my life. I’m happy to annoy her by reminding her of that each day. It can be easy to fall into big picture thinking and add unnecessary stress, which was something I struggled with for a long time. As I’ve talked about before it’s about living in the moment, being present in the moment, and maximizing those moments we are given.

God bless,

Brian 👐🏻

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